Anmeldung C1-Kurs, komplettes C1-Level

Registration C1 Course. Complete C1 Level

in Wuppertal

Our intensive course comprises 20 lessons of 45 minutes/week from Monday to Friday with experienced Teacher (German native Speaker). The effective course covers all areas of language acquisition (reading, listening, speaking, writing and grammar). Small classes with approximately 10 students. A very quick way for students to improve their level of German.

C1 - Level: 9 weeks/180 UI. (6,50/UI* = 1170.- € only)

Requires B2 knowledge

Starting date: Monday October 14. 2019

- October 2019 - January 2020

- 5x/week: Monday to Friday 11.30 pm - 15.00 pm

- 180 UI*, 20 UI* per week

- 6,50 €/UI*, tax, book, registration fee inclusive

Bring a friend and save 50.- €!

* 1UI = 45-minute classroom session

Tel: (+49) 01578-0291161
Marktplatz Mittelstand - DEUTSCH? : DIREKT!